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Nature management plane Oasi xerotermiche della Val di Susa - Orrido di Chianocco (IT1110030)
From a management perspective, the only planning tool written for the entire SCI is the "Piano di gestione naturalistica xerotermiche Oasi xerotermiche della Val di Susa - Orrido di Chianocco (IT1110030)" written by IPLA in 2003 due to request from the Piedmont Region. This plan has not been approved yet and doesn’t have any official value as a planning tool.
Conservation Actions
The Orsiera Rocciavrè Park has conducted in the past, a conservation action plan which involved the redevelopment of former pastures and cultivated fields; in 2004 a project was drafted, to be funded by the Piedmont Region for € 55,000.00. This funding has allowed the following interventions to be achieved in the years 2004, 2005 and 2006:
- Mowing and clearing of some small sample areas, cleaning of some trails in the Reserve dell'Orrido di Foresto and the purchasing of equipment used for clearing;
-Restoration of the functions of a firefighting channel and recovery of chestnuts in the municipality of Chianocco (action completed in 2008);
-Water supply and positioning for a fireproof area for watering sheep in the municipality of Mompantero (action completed in 2011).
Scientific works
The Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi, has developed several studies in the SCI, in the past:
- C. Siniscalco, Lonati M., Barni E., D. Bouvet 2010. Praterie xeriche endalpiche delle Alpi Occidentali, caratterizzazione e dinamismo della vegetazione. 46º Congress, Pavia, February 17, 2010.
- Ferrigno E. a.a. 2009-2010. Praterie xeriche endalpiche della Valle di Susa: caratterizzazione, dinamismo e proposte di gestione ai fini conservazionistici. Master Thesis in Environmental Analysis and Management, University of Turin.
- Davì E. a.a. 2009-2010. Praterie xeriche endalpiche della Valle di Susa. Thesis in Natural Sciences.
These studies were also made by comparing the current situation with the vegetation data produced by Montacchini in the years between 1970 and 1980:
-Montacchini et al. 1982. Carta della vegetazione della Valle di Susa ed evidenziazione dell’influsso antropico. CNR AQ/1/220 (with map 1:25000).
The Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Turin has developed in 2011, field activities in the course 'Laboratorio di fitosociologia' (Professor M. Lonati). The practical course was completed to study the effect of fire on two meadows (which includes alliance Mesobromion and Diplachnion that are also part of the Habitat 6210*), by comparing affected and non-affected areas by natural fires. The study revealed the presence of a fire effect, on one hand the removal of litter (for combustion) has encouraged the development of some species which grow annually (including some rare and vulnerable stenomediterrany species e.g. Euphorbia sulcata) whilst on other hand, it enabled a check regarding the recovery time of other species of interest (eg Fumana ericoides), which disappeared temporarily from the study sites. This work is considered to have regional scientific importance.
Within the SCI territory, there have also been numerous scientific studies conducted in the past. Mentioned below, are only those that are regarded to be more closely related to vegetation:
1) Braun-Blanquet 1961. Die Inneralpine Trockenvegetation. Fischer, Stuttgart. This was a research investigation at state level, which Braun-Blanquet described and classified xerophytic vegetation as phytosociological in the continental alpine valleys. In the document, the author studied the most interesting vegetation within the Alps and also included dozens of samples from the assessed area. This work has international importance.
2) Montacchini et al., 1982. Carta vegetazione della Valle di Susa ed evidenziazione dell’influsso antropico. CNR AQ/1/220 This paper was published by the program: "Promozione della qualità dell’ambiente" of the CNR, which aimed to describe and map the vegetation around the Valle di Susa. As xero-thermophilous grasslands are present in the SCI, the authors used the work already published by Braun-Blanquet, without any integration with the new phytosociological inventories. This work has national importance.
3) IPLA, 2004. La Pianificazione silvo-pastorale in Piemonte. CD-ROM. This work was aimed at planning of forest areas, through the preparation of Regional Forest Plans. The project covers the entire Susa Valley and is responsible for the mapping, of the most up to date land use currently available at regional level. This work has a significant regional importance.
4) Isaja & Dotti 2003. Le orchidee spontanee della Valle di Susa. Alzani Ed, Pinerolo. This study was focused on the listing and describing of orchids present throughout the Susa Valley and their geographical distribution. This study has helped develop a complete representation of orchids within the SCI. This work is of high regional importance.